Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ngerebeg Ceremony

Ngerebeg Ceremony

Abstract Ngerebeg Tradition is an old tradition which is located in Munggu village, Mengwi district, and Badung regency. The tradition should keep by the young generation because many of them never understand what the mean of the tradition. Within this problem, the researcher chooses “Keep Ngerebeg tradition as preventive of army at Munggu village by design of visual communication” as his title of the final project.

In addition, in the effort to keep of this tradition each of the media’s visual communication has a different role and function as for a promotion strategy. Therefore, it needs conceptual and visual planning which is appropriate with the ethic code to keeping this tradition. The design is purposed for getting media of visual communication which is effective, communicative, and suitable with the criteria of designing for completing Ngerebeg tradition. Besides, it also increases our knowledge; in addition, it can improve this tradition in the largest area. The data which was obtained from the observation, interview, literary, and documentation at Ngerebeg tradition is adjusted with the promotional strategy, by the research method. 

Theory which was applied in this study was semiotic designer theory. So, the data was processed by the analysis of descriptive qualitative and synthesis until the basic concept of design was acquired. “Tradition” is the relevant basic concept which is used in designing process for the design of visual communication for keeping of Ngerebeg tradition. The concept is suitable with the purpose of keeping Ngerebeg tradition. In designing process, it is already determined the precise and appropriate media such as banner, sticker, ballyhoo and many other media. In the project will be prepared, there are three main points such as icon, index and symbol.