Friday, June 13, 2014

Sangeh the House of Sacred Monkeys

Sangeh is a small monkey forest located in the countryside of Sangeh Village, Abiansemal, Badung Regency. It is a sanctuary of Grey Long Tailed Macaques, this small monkey forest is located approximately 20 kilometers north of Denpasar City. Sangeh has an area of six hectares fertile forestland with giant nutmeg trees which grow up to 40 meters high. The main attraction in Sangeh is the funny and wise Balinese monkey inhabiting both trees and the temple in the forest. The monkeys that inhabit in the nutmeg forest each have a leader, there is one highest ruler or the king that dwells the largest area which is Bukit Sari Temple found in the heart of the forest. The monkeys that dwell this forest are believed sacred monkeys.

The Bukit Sari Temple is the main temple in Sangeh, it was built in the 17th century during the Mengwi Kingdom. The formation of Sangeh forest is believed as revelant to the happening of forest wood evacuation from Agung Mountain Karangasem to Mengwi regency in Badung. However on the way to Mengwi, someone realized the presence of the forest and is now known as Sangeh. Scientifically there is uncertain story about the existing of this forest.

Besides the Grey Long Tailed Macaques, there are also various natural inhabitants of Sangeh Monkey Forest. They include 22 different species of birds, five species of mammals as well as small reptile, amphibian and arthropod species. Other trees that are found in the forest include mahogany, guava and Sapodilla. Visitors who visit this Sangeh should beware, sometimes the monkeys will approach and take visitors belongings because they get attracted to shiny objects such as cameras, glasses and jeweler. Various stalls that sell food, drinks and art souvenir are available near the parking and entrance. The admission fee to enter the sanctuary in Rp 5.000, it is opened from 7:30am until 18:00pm. Sangeh Monkey forest is a great tourist destination for visitors who are having a visit to Bali.

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