Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Balinese Joged Bumbung Dance

 The Joget Bumbung is one of few exclusively secular dance of Bali in which the brightly-dressed dancer invites men form the crowd to dance with her in a pretense of seduction. the music is made with bumbung (bamboo) instruments. This dance is very popular with tourists. The dance begins with a long opening sequence by the female dance. Then, long shawl in her hand, she selects a man from the audience by either pointing with her fan or touching his waist. He (the pengibing) come on stage to hots from the audience, and expected to be as adept at teasing as the women dancer. The better he is, the louder the cheers and roars from the crowd. He may try to pinch her, dance hip yo hip with her, or even behave like an angry lover and try to hit her.Gendrainayu cemetery, to present offerings of dead flesh to Durga, the goddess of death. Durga agrees to the destruction, although she warns the witch not to enter the city of Dana.

But thewitch does not heed Durga's advice and the kingdom is soon hit by grubug (a plague) and the villages
quickly become cemeteries, people dying even before they can bury their dead. corpses are scattered everywhere and the stench is unbearable. The only person who can defeat the witch is Mpu Baradah. At the king's request, Bharadah sends his disciple Bahula pretends to ask for Ratna Manggali's hand in marriage, and while the witch is away, Bahula steals the magic weapon with the help of Ratna Manggali. Then he gives the stolen weapon to teacher Bharadah. The weapon turns out to be a manuscript containing the key to ultimate release (moksa) which has been used upside-down by Calonarang.

Bharadah goes to Dana to challenge the witch. With the help of the Barong, she is defeated. Before being killed, she asks to be released from her curse and purified.


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