Monday, May 04, 2015

Banyu Pinaruh, Purify Themselves

Banyu Pinaruh fell one day after the feast of Saraswati day. Saraswati day believed to be the decline in science by Hindus in Bali. Banyu Pinaruh usually used as a day to do the cleaning themselves by melukat or bathing at the beach or in the purified places in Bali. Pura Tirta Empul is a temple with a highly purified spring water in Bali and the best place to "melukat". Banyu Pinaruh have two word, Bayu and Pinaruh. Banyu of the word meaning water , Pinaruh or Pengeruwuh means knowledge. When Banyu Pinaruh day people cleanse the body and shampooing at the source - the source of the water or on the sea . However procession clean the dirt or the dark thoughts that attach to the human body , with science or shower with science


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