Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bali Ogoh-Ogoh Parade | Cast Out Demonds Spirits

Ogoh-ogoh is a giant Balinese Hindu artwork statue-like puppet built on Ngerupuk day or the eve of Nyepi day in Bali. Nyepi is referred as "A Day of Silence" or Saka new year according to the Balinese Calender. It is celebrated a full day from 6am until 6am the next day. Nyepi is a day reserved for self-reflection the main restriction where no lighting fires, no working, no entertainment or pleasure, no traveling, and for Hindu the are not allowed to eat (fasting).

The form of Ogoh-ogoh is to represent Bhuta Kala. Bhuta means eternal energy and Kala means eternal time. This Ogoh-ogoh is made before Nyepi day mainly by young teenage boys. An Ogoh-ogoh is normaly standing on a pad built of bamboos, this pad is designed to place the Ogoh-ogoh while it is being lifted and carried around the village, there are normally 8 or more youth carrying the Ogoh-ogoh on their shoulders. The Ogoh-ogoh parade is presented on the night before Nyepi day accompanied by noisy Balinese Gongs and percussion. Ogoh-ogoh is paraded and rotated clockwise in every T-junction and crossroads around the village to drive out the influence of evil spirits that exist within ourselves, families and surroundings.

Ogoh-ogoh are mainly made in form of creatures and Balinese legend characters that live in the world, Heaven and Hell, such as dragons, animals, God and Goddess. After the Ogoh-ogoh has been pareded around the town, finally this artwork is burnt to ashes as a symbol of self-purification. Recently, this procession has attracted many foreign and domestic tourists. Many tourists tend to come and visit Bali before Nyepi days to see this Ogoh-ogoh parade.

More Photos:

An Ogoh-ogoh being burnt

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