Thursday, August 14, 2014

Parangtritis Beach, A Romantic Sunset

Who does not know Parangtritis beach ?
Parangtritis beach is the most famous beach in Yogyakarta and has become a tourist destination by domestic tourist and foreign tourist. This beach is located in Parangtritis village, Kretek, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta. The distance between Parangtritis beach and Yogyakarta city is about 27 kilometers.

The physically, Parangtritis beach is not as beautiful as other beaches like Indrayanti beach in Yogyakarta and Kuta beach in Bali.  But, this beach has own beauty. Grains of sand are floated by wind will greet visitors when setting foot on this beach. Rows of rocky hills and rock cliffs adorn the west of the beach and there is a cliff which behind it is a ruined temple namely Gembirawati temple. The faint rumble of Parangtritis waves could be heard from this temple.

When the sun was already leaning to the west and sunny weather, came the beauty of this beach. The atmosphere dim twilight at sunset is purpose by visitors to visit this beach. Parangtritis beach provides the most beautiful sunset. The dim twilight and golden shades of the sun on the water surface more raise romantic atmosphere. The romantic atmosphere is often used as a background beauty photo by couple having pre-wedding photos.

Besides the beauty of the sunset, Parangtritis beach has facilities such as ATV and hansom for visitors who want to surround this beach. The inns for visitor who want to spend the night while enjoying the atmosphere of the night beach. To get the beauty of the sunset and enjoy the atmosphere of the Parangtritis beach, visitors must pay entrance ticket about Rp 3.000

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Gembirawati Temple

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