What are the features of Ngasem's Batik Village ?
Ngasem village is called batik village because all activities of this village is batik and batik has become the livelihood of the local people. In the Ngasem's batik village, visitors can see directly the process of making batik, from the pattern creation to the coloring process. This batik center offers various design and type of batik, including hand-painted batiks from Yogyakarta and Solo, batik pesisir, stamp-blocked batik, Yogyakarta-style duster batik, Yogyakarta Palace unique batik and others batik. This village also offers fabrics for making clothes, bed sheets, pillowcases and others accessories in batik. Not only the process of making batik, Ngasem's batik village also sells their works in the souvenirs shop around this village.
For the visitors who visit Ngasem's batik village will not admission charge, but there is a charge for parking area. The facilities of this village is parking areas, mosque and traditional food's restaurant.
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