Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bukit Bintang, Beautiful Views From The Top of Yogyakarta City

Bukit Bintang is a famous tourist place with very romantic at night. This place called Bukit Bintang (Star Hill ) because visitors can see the beauty of night from hill and see the twinkling lights of Yogyakarta city. This twinkling lights sourced from homes resident are viewed from the top of hill like star. 

The hills are located at a height of 150 meters from above of Yogyakarta city has cold air. Then, Bukit Bintang is the best choice to hangouts for adolescents and relieve fatigue after work during the day. The most visitors come to this place is a couple who want enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta from top of hills and the beauty of hill with cold air or just talking and dinner in the restaurant around this area. 

Want to visit there ?
Bukit Bintang is located at Pathuk's hills, Gunung Kidul exactly at Yogyakarta-Wonosari street, approximately of 15 kilometers from Yogyakarta city. This place opened from 17.00 until 05.00 with entrance tickets is free.

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