Dieng Plateau has a million spectacular beauty. This area is a active volcanic region dotted shade trees and beautiful Hindus's temples, not only that there is also a natural wonder called Telaga Warna Dieng (Color Lake). Telaga Warna is located in Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo, Central Java. From Yogyakarta taken within 3 hours or from Wonosobo taken within 1 hours (25 kilometers).

An amazing miracle, is not it ?
Telaga Warna has an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level with a temperature of 15-20 degrees in the afternoon and 10 degrees in the night. For this temperature, Telaga Warna bring frost called bun upas (dew poison) by local people. The high hills surrounding Telaga Warna and caves are nearby which is used the place of meditation such as Semar caves, Sumur Eyang Kumalasari caves and Jaran Resi Kendaliseto caves add to the miracle and natural beauty of Telaga Warna.
By local people, the water of Telaga Warna used as source of irrigation to irrigate the potatoes garden into a major commodity in this region.
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